Powerful and inspiring.

Jaime is a big believer in the old adage, “A rising tide lifts all boats,” which drives her desire to share her knowledge with audiences. Her goal is simple: deliver powerful, entertaining and inspiring content that helps higher ed marketers achieve their goals.

Get in touch.

  • “Jaime held sway for an entire afternoon workshop on how to build an integrated marketing communications strategy. It can be hard to hold a room for an hour, let alone three! Jaime’s workshop was one of our most highly rated sessions of the whole conference, and that's because Jaime goes to great lengths to truly connect with everyone in the room.”

    Joseph Master, Senior Vice President, Brand Management

  • “I always walk away with more knowledge, encouragement, and a deep appreciation that [Jaime] shares her wisdom for others to hear.”

    Bart Caylor, AMA Attendee

  • “This, friends, is how you kick off a conference - with the incomparable Jaime Hunt keynoting!”

    Post from CUPRAP attendee

  • “One of the best sessions I have ever attended at CASE!”

    Feedback from CASE Region V attendee